Service and “being of service” are the concepts that I am exploring for you today.
The energy behind "being of service" and "service to others" is one of being of “servitude” and “enslavement”.
Therefore, It is NOT an energy that is empowering.
I am a creator!
I create as I’m guided to and I offer my creations to the world, in buying my creations you access the Energy that is imbued with innate Authentic Power and are inspired and empowered to allow your desires to be birthed into your world and reality.
So I do not serve anyone and I am not in service to anyone I simply ADD VALUE to Your Business and Life by CREATING what I love, I offer those creations to you and I invite you to indulge in them, so you can transform your desires into tangible reality.
I invite you to to delve deeper... a wondrous world awaits you!
Visit, explore and indulge at SoulEnchantress.com
Soul Enchantress is a globally sought~after energetic visionary, cosmic sorceress, seer, shaman and business speaker, who works with business leaders around the globe.
She guides you to create deep fulfilment, access profound clarity, achieve HUGE goals and design a blissful soul~driven lifestyle that integrates the unseen realms and ancient wisdom.
Her work is incredibly powerful, effective and highly coveted.
Learn More here >>> www.SoulEnchantress.com