Ever wondered why some people are mesmerised by violence in movies and others abhor it? Here's what I uncovered in a channeling session: When you face your shadows and learn how to conquer the fears created by your mind, you no longer need to live those fears via a fantasy modality, such as a movie! However this process of facing your fears and conquering them, is an ongoing process and definitely NOT for the faint hearted. Therefore most people give up halfway. Those who have not conquered certain violent or dramatic shadows within their own psyche, will keep being drawn to movies that reflect their inner turmoil. This is not something they would admit to anyone, let alone themselves. The reason you maybe drawn to violent or dramatic movies is because deep within, you feel safer to face this shadow side of you in a fantasy situation. It is less threatening to your ego. Plus you don't have to go through the uncomfortable process of releasing your fears. So the cycle continues and you will keep trying to work out your internal dialogue, outside of your self. If however you have accepted your shadow as being a part of you and no longer resist it as being different from you, you will NO LONGER feel drawn to violent movies. Helping clients face their shadow selves and conquer their fears is part of the Soul Work I offer.
Here’s a powerful and effective sound healing my clients love!
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If you would like my help, please contact me at: www.SoulEnchantress.com ✨💕✨ Joyous Blessings. Soul Enchantress